
Showing posts from January, 2016

Hendak Seribu Daya Tak Hendak Seribu Dalih

Assalamualaikum and good evening peeps. How was your day ? It everything fine ? I hope all your day was okay. So let start with our topic "Hendak Seribu Daya Tak Hendak Seribu Dalih" What the means of ? Maksudnya kita kena usaha dan jangan banyak alasan untuk mencapai sesuatu. Semua orang kat dunia ni nak berjaya. Siapa yang taknak berjaya kan ? Kejayaan tu impian setiap manusia. Cuma yang membezakan usaha individu tersebut. Nak berjaya ni tak senang tak susah. Yang penting kena sentiasa positif. Paling penting , cintai apa yang kita lakukan dan lakukan apa yang kita cintai. Simple kan ? Jangan pernah give up. Biarlah orang nak kata apa pun. Kita takboleh nak tutup mulut orang so let them be. Soon or later they'll silent slowly and that moment shows we are the winner.  Remember , gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal untuk selama lamanya. Gagal itu merupakan proses untuk berjaya. Kalau kita give up , kita gagal selamanya. Daripada kegagalan kita belajar kekurangan

Newbie Here

Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone. How was your day today ? I hope all of you are in the pink. So today is my first post! Praise be to Allah cz' give me time to make this blog. It's for a long time I didn't took part on blog. Well. I'm really busy on my studies. I hope I could have time to share everything in this blog. I want make this blog as my diary. Oh, well. Okay, what I want do this blog is I hope you guys and girls do follow my blog. I know it's so simple but I'm promise to give my best here. I wish all of you enjoy reading my post. If you have some opinion, do comment :) If my fortune in this blog , do support me okay. If you feel something wrong , just tell me. I'll do better next time. So , support me :) Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Putri Nur Atiqah Indra Kelana. You can me 'Iqah'. Simple rite. Hahahaa. I'm from Ipoh , Perak , Malaysia. This year , I'll road for SPM. Pray the best for me :) I want to